A-Gas is one of the fastest growing Environmental Service Companies in the world.
A-Gas International is a rapidly growing environmental services gas company targeting reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the reclaim, capture, and reselling of HFC, R22 and Carbon Gases. Owned by a series of private equity houses over the past 20 years, it had a need to drive growth through the pursuit of an enterprising culture, business excellence capability and a M&A capability. Key was the need to preserve and enshrine the enterprising culture that has served the business well in new staff and recently acquired acquisitions. Starting from humble beginnings in the UK, South Africa and Australia, A-Gas had grown into The Americas, Europe, Asia and NZ to become a global company that was at risk of breaking into a series of silos and underperforming assets.
Design a common set of frameworks, languages, disciplines, and culture that could be globally driven and locally applied, hence linking all staff and businesses together. The strategic global frameworks included:
“Inspiring Teams, Leaders, and Communities to Make a Difference – There is a difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it – This is the DNA of RYP International – Facta Non Verba – Deeds Not Words”
RYP also owns a business who empower families to connect through stories.
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